Archive for the ‘Tech’ Category

Integrate smart ID badges with your HR system for better workforce management

Jason Sturman

In this article we explore the benefits of integrating smart ID badges with HR, such as accurately tracking and managing time and attendance, and improving safety.

Maximising office utilisation: unlocking efficiency and productivity with real time location solutions

Jason Sturman

Efficiently utilising office space reduces costs and enhances employee collaboration and productivity. Sense helps you understand your office space better.

Smart badges in building services

Jason Sturman

Explore how Sense enhances the safety of building service providers, especially lone workers, and improves task management and attendance tracking.

Sense heads to London Tech Week 2023

John Crowley

Sense will be showcasing its wearable hardware and powerful as part of London Tech Week 2023. Discover how we’re changing the possibilities for frontline teams!

The problems of simple plastic badges. Is it time to replace them?

Jason Sturman

Plastic ID badges aren’t really much use. In this article, we look at what you should be replacing them with.

Improving Care in the Community

Jason Sturman

Community care needs auditing. Especially when false claims are being made. How can care providers protect themselves and their staff? And how do customers know for sure they’re getting what they paid for? We explore how technology can help.

Reducing disruptive voice communications

Jason Sturman

Voice communications can be disruptive, annoying, and irrelevant. Learn why you should consider swapping for something better, which can increase productivity and boost wellbeing.

The challenge for companies having to subscribe to multiple services from multiple suppliers 

John Crowley

Buying from multiple suppliers isn’t always the best choice, we explore the reasons why.

Find out how Sense can help you

Sense provides the hardware, software and services you need to connect, inform and support your frontline workers. Our engineers understand the challenges facing frontline workers, and the technology it takes to solve them – so get in touch today, to find out how Sense could help your organisation join the dots.

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