Archive for the ‘Communication’ Category

Do lone workers have the tools they need to report safety concerns?

Jason Sturman

Only 36% of lone workers would speak to their employer if they had safety concerns. This article explores how safety reporting tools can help improve that figure.

Lone workers don’t need to be lonely

Jason Sturman

How do you stop lone workers from becoming isolated? In this article we explore how technology can help teams connect and stay coordinated.

Connect with your frontline workers – make the last mile count.

Jason Sturman

Connecting data with actions can be difficult. In today’s article we look at why you need to make last mile communications count.

Swapping old for new: Replace your pagers with modern Sense Badges

Jason Sturman

Pagers are the leftovers of a time that’s passed. Clear them out of your system and start using modern technology to improve your processes.

Is there a better way to discharge patients from hospital?

Jason Sturman

Patients want to leave hospital as soon as they can – and healthcare providers need the extra space. Sense workflows can speed up the discharge process.

Overcoming the limitations of standalone employee communication apps

Jason Sturman

Standalone employee communication apps have their perks, but they have their problems too. We look at why integrated communication with an RTLS system can be a better choice.

The trouble with voice communication in healthcare

Jason Sturman

Voice-only communication systems have their uses, but plenty of problems, too. Read this article to learn more about the challenges with using voice communication systems in medical settings.

Find out how Sense can help you

Sense provides the hardware, software and services you need to connect, inform and support your frontline workers. Our engineers understand the challenges facing frontline workers, and the technology it takes to solve them – so get in touch today, to find out how Sense could help your organisation join the dots.

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