Top ways to track time, attendance, and tasks for your cleaning company.

Jason Sturman
Top ways to track time, attendance, and tasks for your cleaning company.

Cleaners can struggle to track and verify time, attendance, and tasks. Especially when employees are out and about during working hours across different sites, doing different types of work. Here are the top ways (from best to worst) you can start accurately tracking time, manage attendance, and make sure tasks are assigned and completed.

1: A dedicated real time location system

The best way to track time, attendance and tasks for your cleaning company is by using a dedicated real time location system, such as Sense.

Real time location systems easily allow you to easily monitor employee location to make sure employees are turning up to jobs on time, and that tasks are being completed in a timely manner. What’s more, you can automate and validate timesheet entries based on this information.

And it’s not just about time-in and time-out data – Sense lets you also review things like movement and time spent on site, to validate and prove that work was completed.

We actually talk a bit about how the Sense Badge can help you validate your invoices here.

2: Use a purpose-built app on a company-owned mobile device

Although a dedicated device with extra sensors and controls is better (and it can be cheaper too) than a standard smart phone, a dedicated app on a company owned device is another way to tackle time tracking, as well as to manage attendance and tasks for your company.

Purpose built apps can carry a wealth of functionality and there are several smart phone providers out there who offer company plans for devices and sims. They aren’t always good value though, so be sure to shop around and carry out your due diligence before signing anything.

The Sense mobile app has the majority of functionality that the dedicated devices have. When deployed to a device, the app can become a valuable tool.

Here are some other purpose-built apps for cleaning companies that you can check out. The functionality between each app varies slightly, so have a good look around and see what fits you best.

3: Use a purpose-built app on an employee-owned mobile device

If you don’t want the expense of rolling out a company mobile device plan, you may be able to persuade employees to install purpose-built software onto their personal devices.

App features and functionality will be the same as you’d expect on a company phone plan, providing employees are using a modern smartphone. However, with employee-owned devices, you might find it difficult to enforce location tracking, as well as get access to other important smart phone data that makes the system tick.

Or, you might find employees use a variety of devices, some of which aren’t compatible with the app’s needs, making your location system completely redundant. You can combat this by selecting apps that are tested for backward compatibility – but even this won’t necessarily include your entire workforce.

Last, but certainly not least… You also open yourself up to all sorts of data security worries, which can be very difficult to manage on a non-company-owned-device.

Are you still using a paper-based time tracking system?

If you’re still using a paper-based system, then it’s time you seriously reconsider why you’re using it, and how effective it is. How much time do you spend working through sheets to validate entries and check for errors?… Probably a lot more than you would like.

Admin isn’t just time consuming, it’s expensive – it’s time you could spend generating new business. I bet your staff don’t like your paper-based system either.

There are plenty of time tracking options beyond those listed above – from wall-mounted fingerprint scanners to door-mounted ID card scanners. But with developments in modern technology, you can do so much more than just scan entry and exit – systems like Sense are helping companies track the time and activity of their workers with greater accuracy and better results, while providing extra features that keep workers safe and connected.


Keeping your company data under your control through company owned devices is the best way to manage time, attendance, and tasks in your business. It’s not always the most expensive option, either. If you want to learn more about how Sense’s real time location system can help you, get in touch to speak to an expert.

Find out how Sense can help you

Sense provides the hardware, software and services you need to connect, inform and support your frontline workers. Our engineers understand the challenges facing frontline workers, and the technology it takes to solve them – so get in touch today, to find out how Sense could help your organisation join the dots.

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